The New Gospel Temple Church
We are honored and privileged to have you check us out on today and we look forward to meeting you in person soon! Blessings
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At The New Gospel Temple (TNGT), we feel that it is our responsibility to make it easy for you to come to church. We want you to be able to experience the great praise & worship, hear and grow from practical and pointed messages, encounter friendly people and an enjoyable atmosphere! Here is a glimpse at what you can expect, based on what people have said when they’ve visited TNGT.
“The messages are biblical & easy to understand”
You’ll enjoy spirit filled music and practical, biblical messages that will help you live the Christian Life.”Don’t just talk it, walk it!” What you learn on Sunday, you’ll be able to apply on Monday (and thereafter).
“I liked that clothes weren’t a big deal”
We’re more concerned with meeting your real life needs, than with what you wear (“It’s not about the clothes but the souls!”). So dress casually and you’ll fit right in. Now if you feel better when you dress better, go for it!
“The people are genuinely nice”
No cliques here, just real people loving God and each other regardless of how they look or where they come from. Our desire is to be a diverse church, including racial, generational, and socio economic diversity, because our identity as children of God supersedes all other distinctions.
“It’s not all about money”
Have you ever visited a church where the longest part of the service was the offering(s)? R-E-L-A-X at TNGT, we generally receive 1 offering during our Morning Worship Experience. Again at TNGT relax and enjoy The Lord’s presence.
Just A Note:
If it’s been a long time since you’ve been to church, or if you’ve never attended, TNGT is for YOU! We believe that TNGT is “Your Place for a New Beginning”. We understand that there’s already enough you have to think about when you’re visiting a church. We hope that by addressing some things prior to your joining us, alleviates your concerns. We look forward to meeting you and growing together until Jesus returns.
We are honored and privileged to have you check us out on today and we look forward to meeting you in person soon! Blessings